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About Michael McBane


 God has placed a purpose in each of us. He has placed His creative DNA in who we are. It seems far to few even get to know this. But even those who have such an encounter must allow God to reveal it to them. I call it creative dependency. We are insulated with the resistance and folly of unfounded securities. It is not God that prohibits this but our distractions to the reality of of who Jesus Christ is. I have been graced to discover this purpose, this song of life and equally graced to be drawn to allow Him to orchestrate the colors of my life. I get to draw closer to Him in His mercy and be lavished with HIs love. Hence I get to steward the creative impulse in me so that I increasingly merge in a union of worship.


I decided to call my site, "Collaborating with Creative Mercy," It made sense to me as  primarily everything I do is because I have been loved by God, in particular I have been interrupted by an encounter with Jesus Christ. My response to Him, I dropped life as I may have known or expected it to be and followed Him, period. Hence I have been infused with this desire to make much of God in everything I am and everything I do. My language in life style and word, I pray emits the wonder of His love. Truly, I have encountered love and truly I have known grace and mercy. I have had a transference of God to man, of heaven to this earth as it is in heaven. Thus I attempt to live as an expression of worship, to be graced to become an increasing fragrance of God in me to this world. I am living each day in a willful weakness that allows God to remain more then me. My paintings are a minor but significant part of my expression of worship and the infusion of who Christ is to me. They are the overflow of His life in me and I get to visually share them with people.


Having said this, I have been privileged to know love in marriage to one gracious lady. To know love through my children and my grandchildren. I have been given the gift to follow Him in a way that few seem to reveal or want. I cannot say I am exclusive just graced to love Him so that I know I am fulfilled by finding Him daily. I do not want God to ask where art thou to me as He did to Adam. So you see I feel each day grants to me a great opportunity to be with Him.  I have expectation and anticipation. I sit, I walk and I stand by the grace of Christ's extended love within Divine creativity day by day.


So when I paint, I find it to be an expression of who He is in me. I would not expect another to emulate my work but to discover the spark that God gave to them. Perhaps I can be used to encourage another to extend the life of God in them in a creative way. Which from my perspective is profound in prayer. Prayer is communication, in word, in expressions of creativity, in His word, in our words and deeds to each other. I know God to be creative it makes His love fluid and responsive. As a son I get to partner with Him I am taken to the Father's lap in the possibility of creative opportunity daily. It begins with how He is almost always my first thought and this unfolds and forms the direction of my life. Is this irresponsible, no it is absolutely responsible as I listen, hear and respond.


I love color and how it plays within differing shapes and textures. I do have subjects that I paint but there is an underlining flow that is always there that is revealed in the colors I work with.


Most of my work is done with acrylics, using a color spectrum that is brilliant and full of light. I work with a very diverse influence but usually I simply see as I paint from the spark of a conceptual thought or internal vision that awakens my senses to creativity. 


I also write consistently. I have written on what I feel is the Christian communities call to return to a hospitality and community based  functioning to establish  the God intended value of who we are and how we must love one another. I have self published a book of my primitive paintings called "The Colors of My World." And a well received book that I call a memoir of my spiritual journey called, "The Narrow Road of a Grand and Curious Opportunity," which can be purchased on amazon. And a book on Christ centered community called the, Sacred Among Us. I along with my family have run Country Inns  in various locations and also retreats. We have lived by walking into the heart of God as our Provision. So perhaps what you are looking at is essentially a page or two from my life.

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